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Home Page>Manufacturer>ABLIC
Part NoManufacturerPackageBatch NumberDescriptionQuick quote
Q-SC20S03220C5AAAF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-SC20S0322070AAAF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-SPT7P032762070FF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-VT20N0327610600B ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-SC32S03220C5AAAF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-SC32S03210C5AAAF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
VT-200-F 32.768KHZ 6PF +/-5PPM ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-SC32S0322070AAAF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
Q-VT20N0327620C50B ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
SSP-T7 ABLIC3215封装within 2 year new and original stock.
VT-200F 32.768KHZ 12.5PF 5PPM ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
VT-200F 32.768KHZ 12.5PF 20PPM ABLIC2×6插件within 2 year new and original stock.
Q-SPT7P0327620C5GF ABLICOriginal factorywithin 2 year new and original stock.
S-19932AA-A6T8U7 ABLICHSNT-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-19933DA-S8T1U7 ABLICHTMSOP-8within 2 year new and original stock.
S-19932DA-A6T8U7 ABLICHSNT-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-57GDNL1S-A6T8U ABLICHSNT-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-19932BA-S8T1U7 ABLICHTMSOP-8within 2 year new and original stock.
S-812C36AMC-C2Q-T2 ABLICSOT-23-5within 2 year new and original stock.
S-57GNNL3S-A6T8U ABLICHSNT-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-8261AAJMD-G2JT2S ABLICSOT-23-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-8261ABJMD-G3JT2S ABLICSOT-23-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-57TZ1L1S-A6T8U ABLICHSNT-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-576ZNL1B-A6T8U ABLICHSNT-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-19932CA-A8T1U7 ABLICHSNT-8-Awithin 2 year new and original stock.
S-19932AA-A8T1U7 ABLICHSNT-8-Awithin 2 year new and original stock.
S-8261DAI-M6T1U ABLICSOT-23-6within 2 year new and original stock.
S-8254AAGFT-TB-S ABLICTSSOP-16within 2 year new and original stock.
S-812C33AMC-C2NT2S ABLICSOT-23-5within 2 year new and original stock.
S-57TZ1L1S-L3T2U ABLICTSOT-23-3within 2 year new and original stock.



Email:dorsey@aooktech.com, anna@aooktech.com


Company Address:2719 KCITY FUMIN ROAD Futian shenzhen, China 518033